onitself :index

i wanted to use the unix "pass" program, so i naturally ran "man page" to get its manual.
while reading what they called "a very simple password store", i realized that normal humans
were built different from the u/*nix user and couldn't comprehend this.
so i set out to build a ressource to teach non-tech-savvy people from the start in a very
regular way: they'd first get a summary of a subject that was very condensed, and then an
in-as-much-depth-as-necessary crash lesson on that subject. it's also something i felt
needed to be done since a while, and that w3schools managed to capture very well (that's
how i learnt the basics of go in one afternoon), but they unfortunately didn't cover every
subject to ever exist.
i of course will never be able to do such an herculean task ever, but i'll do my part in
providing as much condensed yet readable,click in your head-causing knowledge syrup as possible.
i invite you to use the jsviewer to navigate it; however, you can
access each topic as plain .txt files by typing by replacing index.txt on that page
by the provided name, followed by .txt to consult it.
words in-between Ŧ (or Ŧ, if it gets screwed up) are titles/important words/things, and words in-between Ł (or something looking like Å◻)
are links to other pages which you can replace the current page with. (just remember to keep the .txt at the end!).
they're of lesser concern and thus aren't always implemented, but there may also exist a .html ("pretty site") version
of the subject you're consulting. just replace .txt by .html in that case. (keep in mind they may not have been added yet, again!)